Thursday, July 19, 2012

DSDN 142: Precedent Images

For Creative coding, we had to have a look at a few precedents that we found particularly inspiring on and then talk about what inspired us about the coded material. I looked at a lot of different java scripts, and these two really inspired me the most. The way that they moved, one in two dimensions, and one in three I just found really astounding, and especially considering there really wasn't a lot of code to them as well. Very cool stuff.

The first one I looked at was called sketch, and you can find it here. It allowed the user to use their mouse to click and drag, and these colored lines and perpendicular patterns would follow your mouse, essentially enabling you to sketch on your computer. The colors and line styles were predetermined, but nonetheless I still found it really really clever. And quite pretty!

The next piece I found was a 3-D piece of coding, which was far more complex and had a number of different layers to the code. The shapes that it formed had a coherent structure with one another and forms a series of orbiting ring structures that cycled in and around one another, while gently rotating in different directions. Exactly how many rings there were would be hard to say, but my guess is at about 11. Then, when holding down the r key and then clicking and dragging your mouse across the screen, you could explode the individual pieces of the rings from one another and have them all move freely. It felt like something off Iron Man. This java script is called Movement and can be found here.

I found it also all very daunting and wasn't entirely sure how I was ever going to achieve something like these, since I've got no experience in coding whatsoever. But we shall see.

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