Monday, May 21, 2012

DSDN 101 Project 3: Preliminary Stop Motion Test

This is NOT the final look of The Clip. This is merely a test run to get a feel for stop motion and how it can be used effectively for what I want to do. It's also a test of the special effects I plan on using.

I really enjoyed making this clip. It presented multiple challenges, the most difficult and time-consuming of which was definitely the special effects. Photoshopping the clip photo by photo was no easy feat. For my storyboard for the actual final clip, I really want to capture the awe and amazement present in this kind of technology. I also really want to incorporate humour and more emotion. I haven't had much sleep this weekend, so the emotions present on my face were minimal at best.

For the main project, I plan on integrating far more future tech and enhancements on the AUG-REAL Specs as well.

Many thanks to Mark Lindsay for being the camera man! I shall employ you next time as well!
Check out his blog here: 
Mark Lindsay Portfolio

1 comment:

  1. pretty cool getting the lines in the corridor ...must have been done in the middel of the night with no one round. MV
