Sunday, May 27, 2012

DSDN 144 Project 3: Aesthetic Test

One thing I really want to do before the shoot is see what the aesthetic I'm going for will look like. The idea of a direct comparison suits what I'm trying to achieve, namely trying to make the unseen seen. One of the things I need to decide on is how the two images interplay in the single frame. The nature of the light I'm using is a rather blue-ish white light. While this does make for an interesting image, it might be overkill? 

Possibly the highlighting of the electrical cables could be black and white.

...Which is what I tried out here. Overall I think it makes the image a little more subtle, while at the same time offers a different kind of contrast. It has a classier feel to it as well. The blue almost seems a little bit tacky in comparison. 

Oh, and don't worry, the masking tape is only there as a marker for the final shoot. It won't be there in the final images. 
One thing I also really wanted to achieve is the sense of blandness next to something completely other-worldly, that still has an element of technicality.

Another thing I experimented with for my photos was testing to see how the images were altered if the angles of the torch was changed. I discovered that having an actual light bleed along the walls, ceiling and floor helped to show the space as well as giving the sense of the "energy matrix" more form.

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