Monday, August 13, 2012

DSDN 104: Model 71 - 80

It's the home stretch now! The final series of models are done, and now I just have to wait for the final renders to finish, and then I'm going to blog about them too. My final model is extremely complex in terms of lighting and has therefore been taking the past two days to render. Fun!

Model 71
I've assumed direct control over the form of these shapes, and made drastic changes to the shape of this iteration by means of the FFD 3x3 tool, which essentially allows me to warp and shape the form using the 27 control points given to me. This has allowed me to massively re-structure my form to suit my needs and wants.

Model 72
I played around with some of the sub-components in this iteration. I exploded some of the edges out, which pushes it away from the semi-circular shape it was just before.

Model 73
I tore it asunder in this iteration and lost the semi-circular form entirely. I'm going for a slightly more linear series of curves for my final. I want to base all of them around a single directional vector, and swirl them around that vector and each other.

Model 74
Here I'm slowly causing the model to lose the semi circular form it had before. It's painstaking work, and it has to be done carefully because if I don't, the curve will just create what essentially are almost "creases" the model. So I have to work out the curve slowly. Sorry curvy, you're out!

Model 75
I want to form the curves in a way so that they oppose each other at times, so that there is a little doubt in terms of the overall structure of the form. I still want the overall direction to be straight, with the curves gyrating around the central axis.

Model 76
The curves are starting to take on the form I want. However, they are starting to assume a decent amount of volume, which isn't ideal. I think for the final I'm going to be deleting some polygons and cleaning up my model.

Model 77
Here you can really see the extra polygons coming through in the curve. They feel way too chunky. And I need to rotate the components a little so as to have them oppose and cancel each other out a little bit.

Model 78
This one looks like a gun. Just saying. It could be a futuristic weapon from a video game or an alien race. The subtle curves that contribute to the overall form really well, and that makes it one of my favourite models by far. However, I'm absolutely adamant that I'll use my very last model as my "hero" model.

Model 79
This one here is kind of lame. I hate the chunkiness of the curves by means of the extra polygons. Not cool. But it's just a stepping stone to the final model so it's really okay. The actual elements of what I want to achieve in the final one are definitely starting to come together.

Model 80
This one has a little more form than the model prior, however still has the problem of the chunky curves. Oh well, one more model to go. It'll get cleaned up for that one.

 This shot also contains model 81 in the bottom right corner! More on that one coming up next!

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